What are & Where are Habitats ?
The region where a plant or animal naturally grows or lives; native environment.
The place where a person or thing is ordinarily found….and hopefully thrives for best Health!
Where in Stanislaus County? For instance, where ever precious WATER is Served and Used:
- Neighborhoods – 1,000’s of Homes – many with Babies 0 to 6 yrs old. Read Toothpaste WARNING Labels for “Under 2 yrs” and “2 to 6 yr olds”….at RISK Warnings!
- 25+ assisted living businesses –
- Grocery Stores – washed/spray vegetables
- 100’s -Restaurants – glass pure water ? Carbon Filters DO NOT remove Fluoride!
- Educational Facilities – K1-12, High Schools, Jr. Colleges, State Colleges and Universities – places where IQ’s need to be Nurtured …NOT Damaged by Fluoride!
- 20+ Hospitals / Medical Care Centers – with 1000’s of chemically sensitive Critical Care Patients! Fluoride can interact with Prescription medicines in a very Negative way!
- Agriculture — 1,000’s Farmers & Ranchers, and at Home ‘Organic’ Gardeners need Pure & Valuable Water to stay in Business in Stanislaus County. Contaminating any of their Products is an Absolute NO! The Modesto City Council should Reject the $800,000 “Carrot on a Stick” inducement from the ‘Fluoridation 2000 Group’ and retain & build Agriculture businesses with Products known as the Best in the World!
- Dairy Farms and Barns -produce a multitude of Milk & Cheese products
- Poultry Large Farms plus ‘Contract Growers’ – wholesome Eggs & Poultry
- Sheep Farms and Barns – meat & wool
- Horse Stables and pastures-valuable Horses
- Swine Barns – heart valves for surgery
- Vineyards – Wine (e.g. Organic) & table Grapes
- Orchards– Nut Trees – Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios parts-per-million to dangerous levels.
- Fruit Crops — Strawberries, Raspberries, Kiwi, Blueberries
- Hay and corn Fields — animal feeds into the Food Chain
- Vegetables Crops ( 35+ )
- Organic Farmers & Home Gardeners – practice Sustainable Agriculture. Please NO Fluoride! Or, say, Goodbye!…to the Organic Farmers Markets in Stanislaus County?
- Aquaculture – Fish raising in local Ponds – Fluoride in Streams & Ponds Injures or Kills Fish.
- Bean crops – Lima, Dried Beans